Coffe is rather cheap here and very tasty as is a very important part of Portuguese customs and let's say diet.
If you want to order:
An espresso - say "Um cafe, por favor". Normally costs from 0,60 to 1,20 euro. You may also hear an other name of the espresso "uma bica".
A coffee with milk is served in two ways: "uma meia de leite" when they mix a half of coffee and half of milk and serve in a regular coffee cup and the second one is "um galao" when they mix a strong coffee with a lot of milk (1: 4 coffee:milk) in a big glass. The price of each are normally starting from 1,20 euro.
You can also meet in a menu "Cafe pingado" an espresso with a spot of milk. You can of course order "Cafe Americano".
To try "um pastel de nata" a pastry made of a french mass with cream is almost a must. In pastellarias one cookie will cost you from 0.80 to even 2,5 euro. If you want to delect yourself for less, you can buy "pasteis de nata" for 0,25-0,45 eur per one in one of popular groceries like Pingo Doce, LIDL or Mini Preco. You will find more info about these shops in "POPULAR GROCERIES".
Most of pastellarias dispose of restrooms for clients. Please notice that many of pastellarias are closed on Sunday and bank holidays.